incredibly dorky i know, but oh my god what a movie that was. you MUST see the dark knight right away. its a beautiful accomplishment all around. a cool bonus: chris nolan learned how to properly film fight scenes! score!
from the madness of the government, to the vengeance of the sea. well everything is eclipsed by the shape of destiny. so love me now, hell is coming. you kiss my mouth, hell is here.
little soldier, little insect you know war, it has no heart it will kill you in the sunshine or happily, in the dark
he says help me out, hell is coming. but could you do it now? hell is here.
see the sterile soil, poisoned sky, yellow water, the final scraps of light bringing new tears.
well wake, baby, wake. but leave that blanket around you, there's nowhere else safe. i'm leaving this place, but there's nothing i'm planning to take; just you, just you, just you, just you-